Thursday, September 19, 2013

Brain Fog

This is what brain fog basically is...
A beautiful day and a little cloud of brain fog appears. Then the cloud either lets the sun shine through or it grows bigger and bigger till you can no longer even imagine that there is a mountain there.
Unfortunately one cannot choose what the brain fog cloud does. It just acts on its own. It eventually becomes a debilitating condition that affects those sick with Ménière's so that life becomes difficult to deal with at every level, every day. It is very hard for others to understand and thus the sick person keeps to themselves. Unfortunately it is very often misunderstood by the people closest.

1 comment:

  1. Posted with love by my partner that has spent years with me and helped me through so many hard days. My struggles with this disease have creeped in to all parts of a normal life. Not being able to figure out what happens next is one of the hardest feelings to come to terms with.
